Fifth Sunday of Lent - March 17
Jeremiah 31:31-34 Hebrews 5:7-9 John 12:20-33
I am sure this scenario at
the Greene dinner table is not unique: we are all eating dinner talking about
our day and someone asks a very benign but sincere question about something and
then Denis jumps in and launches into a very long explanation about the
break-down of the bicameral mind, and everyone else rolls their eyes or shoots
the original questioner a “why did you say that??” and secretly bets how long
it will take him to mention his time in Africa.
Today’s scripture readings are very familiar. Jeremiah
31:33 is basically a mantra in my prayer journal. I am also writing
this at the New Year so the psalmist’s gratitude of a clean slate (“a clean
heart create for me, O God, and a steadfast spirit renew within me”) is also
occupying my prayer life currently.
But my attention today lies
with the poor apostle, Philip, who has been approached by Greeks wanting to be
introduced to Jesus. One commentary I read likened it to new fans who “just
wanted an autograph or something;” Jesus did just raise Lazarus from the dead
and all. Philip knows from experience how this is going to play out, so he
seeks out James to help with the ask. I can’t help but picture Phillip, during
and after Jesus’s very long explanation about the grain of wheat, people who
love life losing it and the Voice from above, chiming in. I picture him
nervously glancing over and giving a double thumbs-up to the Greeks, who, as
far as we know, are still just off to the side, eagerly waiting for that
introduction and autograph.
Reading scripture can be
tricky, especially John’s gospel. So, as a parent, teacher, church lady, and
theology nerd, I take this as a reminder that sometimes people don’t need the
discourse. They just need me to be there for them to make the introduction, and
to remind them that they actually already have God’s autograph.
"I will place my law within them, and write it upon their hearts…"
Q: Do I ever
pause and discern the best way to answer someone’s question, especially about
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