Monday of the Second Week of Lent

Daniel 9:4b-10     Luke 6:36-38

As I write this meditation at the end of 2023, I am overwhelmed by prompts for self-reflection. Sparked by my social media feed, fueled by my peers and exacerbated by the pressure I put on myself, this time of transition feels like a constant barrage of forced humility. "You could be doing better... as a mother, as a professional, as a Catholic, as a human."

 Maybe it's the after-lunch slump, maybe it's holiday burnout; but today, I do not want to be reminded that "we have sinned, been wicked, and done evil." I don't want to face the fact that I am constantly judging, slow to forgive, or possibly giving less than I am able. It is hard to understand that as an individual—no matter how hard I try—I am weak, flawed, and imperfect. Looking towards a new, shiny year is far more enticing than taking responsibility for my 2023 sins. But reflection is necessary. Surely, I will re-read this passage again in a couple months, and need the not-so-subtle reminder; but today, I need hope. I need the words of Jesus as delivered in the Gospel.

"Be merciful." "Stop judging." "Forgive." "Give."

These words are actionable! It's what we need to move forward despite our flaws. These words can guide us forward. These words are a roadmap to being more like Jesus. This is a plan for living I can get behind; far better than any meme I have found on Instagram.

Much like the new year, Lent can be a time to reflect and refocus. So today, whether you need tough love, a plan for change, or solace in God's compassion, it's here for you. Together, let's pray that God grants us the grace to learn from our sins and show mercy as we fumble along—doing the best we can to walk in his footsteps.

Q:  What action will I take today - to be merciful, stop judging, forgive, and give? 


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