Saturday of the Fifth Week of Lent - March 23

 Ezekiel 37:21-28         John 11:45-56

Today’s passages spoke to me in many ways. The main way the first reading spoke to me was the sense of unity. Unity has always been a big part of the Old Testament. For instance, the Israelites‘ exodus, Adam and Eve’s bond, and God’s presence with his people are all instances of unity greatly benefiting everyone involved.

There are also plenty of instances where a lack of unity is the source of bad things to come. Some of these include Saul and the burnt offering, the Israelites during the Judges period, or even our world right now. One of my favorite sayings is “There is no such thing as evil, only the lack of good.” In my heart I absolutely believe that to be true, and I feel the same is true for today’s reading. God makes everything good, and God is Goodness itself.

We all do, or should, desire to have a personal and intimate relationship with God. Evil is the deprivation of good, and since God is goodness itself, living a life without God is living an evil life. The main way to combat living an evil life is unity. Unity is very important in so many ways. God’s two most important and concise commandments are “Love God and Love your neighbor as yourself.” As simple as that might sound, those two things are what every person will fight with. Becoming unified, or uniting with God means you will become closer with goodness itself, and by extension begin to live a more hope-filled, spiritual life.

God’s second commandment is to love your neighbor as yourself. The best way to love your neighbor is to unite with them, regardless of your own personal feelings towards them. Unity is the cause of Good in today’s world, such as organized charities, this unified congregation right here, or even a little kids soccer game where only smiles can be seen from the players, coaches, parents, all being united under God. Lack of unity is also the cause of the bad today that leads to wars, fights, and freedoms being taken away.

Q: How can I become more unified with God and with others? 


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