Feast of the Chair of St. Peter the Apostle - February 22, 2024

1 Peter5:1-4     Matthew 16:13-19

Today the Church celebrates the Feast of the Chair of St. Peter. The Feast celebrates the contributions of St. Peter to the Christian Church and his efforts to build a strong community around Jesus’ teachings.

In today’s gospel, Jesus asks his disciples who people say the Son of Man is. Peter responds “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Jesus then tells Peter that he is the rock on which he will build his Church.

There are events in the gospels that indicate that Peter wasn’t the best choice to be the first leader of the Church. Denying Jesus three times is probably the most familiar of Peter’s misgivings. But Jesus saw something in Peter that others did not see and maybe even he did not see in himself.

In the first reading, the leaders of the Church were instructed to not lord over the community assigned to them, to lead by example, and not to lead for shameful profit.

What does it mean to be a leader? Many books have been written on the subject. Jesus gives us the example of servant leadership. In word and deed, he showed his followers that all people have value and have a role to play in advancing the Kingdom of God. He also showed his followers how to practice humility by washing their feet at the Last Supper. A task performed by the lowest of the low in ancient Jewish society.

Do we emulate Jesus’ example of servant leadership? We do not have to be in a leadership position to do so. Do we believe that all people have value? Do we see the gifts and talents of others or is there a bias that is preventing us from doing so? Do we make people’s lives better or do we make people’s lives worse? If we are in a leadership position, what motivates our decision-making and what example are we setting?

Q: Whose example of leadership do I try to emulate and follow? 


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