Thursday of the Third Week of Lent
Jeremiah 7:23-28 Luke 11:14-23
today’s reflection, I chose to focus on the message in the first reading. God
is telling the people to listen to Him and His instructions. The people turn
away from God and are lost.
this first reading we hear God telling us about how people were making the
wrong decision by not following God and not obeying Him. He tries to send
prophets to help lead the people in the right direction, but they do not
listen. These people, this community is in the wrong, and it may take them time
to realize. God knows this and continues to try to help them despite how they
are treating him. The final lines in the reading say that their faithfulness
has vanished. This sounds unimaginable and painful. I know that God will get
through to them with His power and their faith will be restored.
reading is easily related to our lives in which when we make a decision that we
know will push us away from God but we continue anyway. I know we all try our
best to mimic Jesus and please God each and every day, but we are all also
human and will make mistakes. We know God will forgive us for our actions, but
it still isn’t good to actively turn from Him with our knowing knowledge.
know for myself personally that when I may stray from God in my actions,
thoughts, or words I always try to acknowledge my faults and immediately
apologize to God. The hardest part of this is realizing that you have wronged
and owning up to it in your prayer.
Q: What sins have I not yet owned up to and for which I need to seek God’s forgiveness?
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