Thursday of the Fourth Week of Lent

 Exodus32:7-14      John 5:31-47

In today’s readings we see God’s anger with the ancient Hebrews because of their disregard for His teaching and worshiping a molten calf.

We have many different things in our lives that take us away from our God. Money, pride, sex, fame, drugs, alcohol, stature and convenience to mention just a few. God knows all our sins, and weaknesses, but with HIS divine mercy has given us everything we need to attain eternal life.

We have been conditioned and expect everything in our existence to be instantaneous and disregard the importance of quiet and contemplation. When my anxiety becomes hyper acute I sometimes say to myself “where do I go from here?” Then I realize that I don’t have the answers, but God does! HE has given us everything that we need and keeps telling us that HE is all merciful and forgiving.

As a physician practicing internal medicine for 42 years my prayer was frequently “God, I need your help, guide my thinking and decisions” in the care of all patients; and HE did! My daily petition driving to the hospital following Mass was “God help me control my anger and anxiety. Help me to be kind, caring, compassionate and complete.”

Years ago I came to the realization that God has given me my most precious gifts; life, family, talents, friends, community and forgiveness. HE is present in our celebrations and failures, just like a best friend.

Q:  What gifts has God given me that help me toward eternal life?


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