Wednesday of the Second Week of Lent

 Jeremiah 18:18-20     Matthew 20:17-28

In the sacred time of Lent, today’s readings weave together a common theme of surrender and trust in the divine plan. This Lent invites us to reflect on our role as co-creators with God, acknowledging His sovereign craftsmanship in our lives, and reminding ourselves He has a purpose for us.

In Jeremiah, we witness the prophet’s plea for deliverance amidst opposition. As a mother, I am often reminded that we, too, face the challenges of nurturing our children in a world which at times resists the values we hold dear. Yet, we must trust God is shaping not only our own hearts but also those of our little ones.

Today’s Psalm resonates with the heartfelt cry of a soul seeking refuge in the Almighty. In the midst of the chaos and demands of modern life, we can find solace in surrendering ourselves and our children to God's unfailing and enduring love. He alone is our rock and our fortress, providing strength and courage when our own reserves are depleted.

Finally, turning to Matthew, we encounter Jesus' profound lesson on servanthood and selflessness. Perhaps we all can relate to the disciples' desire for recognition and honor, wanting our sacrifices to be seen and praised. Christ, though, gently redirects our focus towards a humble service born out of love. Let us use the Lenten season to examine our motives, purifying our intentions in the crucible of selfless love for our families. In doing so, we may live His word in the service of others.

Q: What do I need to surrender to God today and put in His trusted hands?


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