Thursday after Ash Wednesday


Deuteronomy 30:15-20     Luke 9:22-25

Every Christmas Day – after the presents are open, breakfast is served, the boys are busy with their gifts– we settle in and watch It’s a Wonderful Life. It’s a tradition I cherish, while readying myself for a cathartic cry and all the feel-good Christmas sentiments this movie lends. I’ve watched this movie several times over the years, and every single time I do, I catch something new, something I’ve never seen before and the great significance it adds. This year was no different, when I noticed a framed quote that was hung underneath the portrait of Pa Bailey, prominently displayed on the office wall of the Building and Loan. In this scene, Geroge Bailey decides to stay at the “old building and loan” at the board’s request after his father passes. For a few seconds this portrait, and more pointedly the framed quote underneath, was zoomed in on, and stated “All you can take with you is that which you’ve given away.”

Today’s gospel reminded me of this quote. Jesus asks his disciples to take up their crosses, to follow him, and deny themselves. For those who serve and give for his sake, will be saved. It’s a Wonderful Life, is a beautiful reminder that life can take different paths than what we planned for ourselves. When our crosses feel too heavy to bear, may we be reminded (I hope always in the form of a guardian angel named Clarence) all that is rich in our lives because of how we gave (our time, talent and treasure), loved (our families, friends and strangers) and lived (as disciples of Jesus) for others…because in doing so, we are serving God.

Q: What do I need to give to others and be more loving towards to make my life richer? 


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